Blockchains’ Future Interoperability with Axelar

3 min readMay 8, 2022

Here I will explain why I believe that Axelar is the leading solution for secure network transfer of assets.

Let’s participate in the technologies of the future today.

Axelar delivers secure cross-chain communication for Web3. Secure means Axelar is built on proof-of-stake, the battle-tested approach used by Avalanche, Cosmos, Eth2, etc. Cross-chain communication means you can build a complete experience for your users that lets them interact with any asset, any application, on any chain with one click.


To bridge the blockchain ecosystems and enable applications to communicate frictionlessly across them, we propose Axelar network. Validators collectively run a byzantine consensus protocol and run the protocols facilitating cross-chain requests. Anyone can join the network, participate, and use it. The underlying network is optimized for high safety and liveness requirements unique for cross-chain requests. Axelar network also includes a protocol suite and APIs.

Axelar network offers the following advantages:

  • For blockchain platform builders: Ability to easily plug-in their blockchains to all other blockchain ecosystems. Only a threshold account needs to be set up on the chain to plug into the network.
  • For dapps builders: Application builders can host their dapps anywhere, lock, unlock, transfer assets, and communicate with applications on any other chain via CTP API. 64
  • For users: Users can interact with all applications across the ecosystem directly from their wallets.

Axelar is the universal overlay network, delivering secure cross-chain communication for Web3. We take blockchain interoperability beyond pairwise bridges, providing any-to-any composability via a proof-of-stake transport layer, allowing dapp builders to deliver secure 1-click experiences for their users across any blockchain.

How does Axelar compare with everything else that’s in the market

  • All competitors in the market are centralized pairwise bridges — multisigs. Those solutions introduce great risks for the ecosystem as we’ve seen with numerous hacks in the space over the year & continue fragmenting the ecosystem with pairwise liquidity.
  • Axelar is the only solution delivering secure cross-chain communication. The network is based on permisionless proof-of-stake consensus, similar to the chains we’re connecting so it doesn’t add new assumptions.
  • It delivers any-to-any connectivity where any new connection is automatically plugged in with all other interconnected chains creating strong compounding effects.

What I understood for myself

Since 2017 I have been a crypto enthusiast. Initially, cryptocurrency was a way for me to earn money, but as my technical knowledge grew stronger, I became more and more imbued with the spirit of the community of developers and connoisseurs of decentralization.

At the moment, I am a professional validator and before I spend time and effort on a project, I study its technical part.
Axelar is a way for me to contribute to true decentralization. Safe and uncompromising. This is how we all hoped to see the blockchain industry since 2017. There was a lot of talk about decentralization at the time, but it all came down to one thing — Binance.

Now with the secure and easy-to-develop Axelar network, we have everything you need to CONNECT all networks together. All chains will benefit from this, as liquidity will be in the black.

As a validator, I consider it my duty to hold Axelar nodes with the most secure server settings and validator architecture (Sentry Nodes, Double-signing prevention, notification of hack attempts, and so on)

I sincerely believe in the success of Axelar, as the company’s vision coincides with the development vector of blockchain technologies.

I am already a validator on the AXELAR-TESTNET-CASABLANCA-1 testnet and encourage the validator community to join us. Let’s participate in the technologies of the future today.


Axelar wiki

My validator

